There is another world After you die.This body is temporary will turn to dust,but the soul or spirit will return to Jesus Christ if you die in Christ. Without becoming a disciple of Christ as the word says . Since the beginning God created man and woman to worship him( Genesis 1-6), but it turned out the enemy use certain people hearts away from God focusing culture, tradition , magics , idol worshipers and money (Mathew 6:24)ect. your soul will suffering in hell or lake of fire after the Judgment day if you chose the wrong way.Narrow is the way which lead people in the eternity life and broad is the way which put perdision life
Where will your soul or spirit go?Have been working so hard and have been gained all what you want in life, you forgot about the creator who formed you in your mother's womb. Christ was speaking with the rich man, do your family etc. he was asking what he should do to have eternal life. God left his throne and came to our world incanated in Flesh and died on the cross to redeem all the nation from sins to cme to him by repentance. you have to do your part
Christ says to the rich that you have lack one thing. Sell all your stuff and give all to the poor and follow me. Rich man was mad and went home. He lost his eternal life, Which one do you want to be? .Are you going to be lazarus and Rich man.
The rich went to hell because of greed. the wealthy man did not accept God in his life. lazarus did.He has relationship and connection. Solomon was kind to lead Israel, and Build the first temple. His Father David has this in his heart to build it but. '' says God I know that you have this in your but you will not build it because you shed too much blood. the child that you shall have will construct my temple''. Solomon was lack of nothing but elohim warned him way before he had everything.. later one. he was lack of not put all his life in Yahweh. He recognized that God had to be the first priority in life. The scripture is for you and I. Ecclesiastes 11, 12.